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ADF Long Tan
Youth Leadership &
Teamwork Awards


Award recipients are encouraged to register for their payment (ie enter bank account details etc) as soon as possible following receipt of the award.

Recipients that registration after 1 March may experience a delay in receiving their payment.


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards were first presented in 2006, to encourage the development of behaviours and attributes considered critical in Australia’s leaders of tomorrow.

The awards recognise students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader community, and who display strong values, such as doing one’s best, respect for others and “mateship” - values considered integral to both the ADF and Australian society.

Participation in the awards program is open to all schools in Australia with students enrolled in Year 10 and/or Year 12. Participation is voluntary and at the discretion of individual school principals.

The awards program supports the funding of two award recipients each year from each participating school – one recipient from Year 10 and one recipient from Year 12. If a school does not select a recipient from one of the two years, only one award will be funded.

Long Tan award recipients should be selected using the ADF selection criteria, which encapsulate the behaviours and attributes expected of its leaders by the ADF and Australian society.

School principals are strongly encouraged to use a transparent selection process that is sufficiently robust to withstand scrutiny, such as, selection by committee rather than by an individual.

Awards should be presented at school Speech Nights/Award Presentation events or another appropriate school assembly.

Schools are asked to provide an opportunity for a uniformed member of the ADF to attend the presentation ceremony as a representative of the Chief of the Defence Force.

The names of schools with award winners may be made available to local media.

If these guidelines and selection criteria are followed, the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards will be successful in recognising some of Australia’s best young leaders, and assist with setting them on a pathway to success.

Download the Guidelines as a PDF:
pdf icon Award Guidelines

Tuesday 9 May 2023

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